السلطات المصرية تعلن الجدول الزمني للانتخابات الرئاسية المقبلة
Guide for Metacognitive Listening in the Classroom
A. Write down five main ideas that you think will be mentioned in the text:
B. Discuss your prediction with a partner and then write down at least two more ideas that your partner included in his/her list of predictions and that you consider logical possibilities:
B. Discuss your prediction with a partner and then write down at least two more ideas that your partner included in his/her list of predictions and that you consider logical possibilities:
C. Listen (first listening) to the text. Place a check mark √ beside the ideas that you (A) and your partner (B) predicted and that were in fact mentioned in the texted.
And write down any other ideas that you had not predicted but were mentioned.
D. After verifying your predictions and discussing your listening results with your partner, listen (second listening) to the text again to check your results and to resolve any discrepancies in comprehension between you and your partner. Add any further points and important details that you may not have understood during the first listen:
E. Listen to the text a third time to verify comprehension after a class discussion of the content of the text or a reading of the text transcript. Try to apply a “Critical Listening” when you listen by thinking of who, what, why, when and where, how?
Reflection and Goal-Setting
I was successful in anticipating ( ) ideas:
What surprised me?
What I will do next time?
C. Listen (first listening) to the text. Place a check mark √ beside the ideas that you (A) and your partner (B) predicted and that were in fact mentioned in the texted.
And write down any other ideas that you had not predicted but were mentioned.
D. After verifying your predictions and discussing your listening results with your partner, listen (second listening) to the text again to check your results and to resolve any discrepancies in comprehension between you and your partner. Add any further points and important details that you may not have understood during the first listen:
E. Listen to the text a third time to verify comprehension after a class discussion of the content of the text or a reading of the text transcript. Try to apply a “Critical Listening” when you listen by thinking of who, what, why, when and where, how?
Reflection and Goal-Setting
I was successful in anticipating ( ) ideas:
What surprised me?
What I will do next time?
You can download this form now : http://arabiclistening.blogspot.co.uk/
Metacognitive Strategies you can use Predicting, Monitoring, Clarifying, Responding, differencing, Evaluation
Pre-listening : Discussion about the content and language .Look at the title; think of the topic.
Discuss these questions with another student
Do you think that the Egyptian people happy about the election.why?
The words shown below occur in the video, المدونة العربية match each word with the correct defination
Discuss these questions with another student
Do you think that the Egyptian people happy about the election.why?
The words shown below occur in the video, المدونة العربية match each word with the correct defination
Task 2: Language: The words shown below occur in the video, those on the right are definition in jumbled order from المدونة العربية or online Dictionary match each word with the correct definition meaning or definition
ما الذي جعل 75% ممن لهم حق التصويت يلازمون بيوتهم ، ويمتنعون عن الذهاب الي صناديق الانتخاب
حق التصويت
الحقيقة وراء تراحع الكتاب العربي هي أن الجمهور العربي لا يقرأ
أصبح الروك هو العلامة الموسيقية الأبرز في كل من الولايات المتحدة وبريطانيا وأخذ بالانتشار في القارة الأوربية وآسيا وأمريكا الجنوبية ، ففرض نفسه في السبعينيات كما في العقد المنصرم
The most prominent, supreme
الرئاسة بعد عامين الجمهوريين سوف يخسرون معركة معركة انتخابات سوف يقضيهما الرئيس بوش في البيت الأبيض كالبطة العرجاء ^ تكاكي ^ لكنها لا تعض.
حيادية الكاتب كانت تعبيرا عن مهارته الحرفية « هذا ما يقوله أبطالي وليس أنا من يقول » ، لكنه كان أحيانا يفقد السيطرة فتنحرف الرواية عن مسارها
فمن أقصي طموحاتنا أن نشهد انتخابات حرة دون اي تدخلات أو تأثيرات مباشرة أو غير مباشرة علي الناخب بالشكل الذي ينهي حالة الامتناع الاحتجاجي عن المشاركة لعدم ثقة في نزاهة الانتخابات
جيمي كارتر ليس رجلا عاديا بل هو رئيس للولايات المتحدة وناشط اميركي بارز يدير " مركز كارتر " الذي أسسه عام ( 1982 ) ، أي بعد سنة من انتهاء فترته الرئاسية الممتدة بين عامي 1977-1982
Presidential elections
مبارك يفتتح أسبوع شباب الجامعات وسط 7 آلاف طالب وطالبة
During listening
1st handout
The hand out contain 7 elements
Who did announce the news أعلنت
What did they say إجراء
How long the election will take على? where and when? في
What is the condition? if anyحددت اللجنة
when will start فترة تقديم طلبات الترشح ستبدأ
When will be the result نتيجة انتخابات
What the Egyptian legislation says about قوانين الانتخاب في مصر
First Listening
Task 3: You are going to see the video and hear the news played straight through without stopping. Use the hand out to guide your listening and add your notes to complete the information on the handout. Use the information on task 2.
Make a note of points you would like to get clarified.
Comparing notes and clarification
After 1st listening compares notes with someone else. Concentrate on the points you monitored as unclear.
· If there were points( words or section) that neither of you understood;
· prepare clarification questions to get the information you need
· Ask those questions and see whether other students can clarify the point from their notes.
Second Listening
Do you think you need to listen to /see the video again to complete your notes?
If not, check your notes again against the brief Transcripts
If you do want to hear the talk again, discuss with the teacher (or native speaker) on which area you need to concentrate during the second listening.
Comparing notes
After listening again, compare your completed handout with the 2nd handout.
After listening:
Focus on Language (troubleshooting)
Are there sections of the video that you and the other students found particularly tricky?
If so, discuss what you think caused problem so the teacher can include further practice on them as you work through the section of the transcript.
Transcript Listening
· Before you listen, read the transcript and try to guess the missing words.
· As you listen, complete the game.
· As you listen to circle or weakness and underline the strength of the subject. (in your opinion).
Focus on content (responding and clarifying)
If you have a chance to attend the press conference, what questions would you ask? it could be questions to clarify what said, or to extend what said(or did not say).
Discuss them in a small group and see what answers you come up with and reflect on your personal respond.
Critical Thinking:
Can you suggest ways in which government or local authorities could improve the election in your country?
What changes would make the greatest difference to an election in the city or town where you are living /studying?
Evaluating your performance in this lesson
Chose one of the answers below to reflect how you think you did in this lesson.
a. I did less well than usual; if so, what was the problem?
b. I did as well as I can
c. I did better than I thought I would, if so, what do you think were the reasons for that?
d. I did better than usual
Which of the Metacognitive strategies do you think you should focus on in the next listening task.
2nd handout
أعلنت الهيئة العامة للانتخابات في مصر إجراء الجولة الأولى من الانتخابات الرئاسية خارج مصر على ثلاثة أيام في 16 و17 و 18 مارس/آذار، على أن تجري في الداخل في في 26 و27 و28 مارس/ أذار 2018.
وحددت اللجنة فترة الدعاية الانتخابية لمدة شهر تبدأ في 24 فبراير/ شباط وتنتهي في 23 مارس/آذار التالي.
وأوضحت الهيئة أن إعلان نتيجة انتخابات الجولة الأولى سيكون في 2 أبريل/ نيسان 2018
وقال رئيس اللجنة المستشار لاشين إبراهيم إن فترة تقديم طلبات الترشح ستبدأ في 20 يناير/ كانون الثاني الجاري وتنتهي في 29 من الشهر ذاته.
وحسب قوانين الانتخاب في مصر، يعلن فائزا من يحصل على 50%+1 من إجمالي أصوات الناخبين الذين أدلوا بأصواتهم في الاقتراع، وفي حال لم يحصل أحدهم لهذه النسبة تجرى جولة إعادة بين المرشحين الحاصلين على أعلى الأصوات