Friday 14 January 2011

YouTube - BBCArabicNews's Channel

YouTube - BBCArabicNews's Channel

Welcome to Arabic words in the news .This authentic listening materials provide an opportunity to sharpen your phonological skills Listening should be the first and foremost skill to be acquired in learning a new language. Understanding spoken words is prerequisite to speaking, reading, and writing; comprehension should precede reproduction. Research has shown strong evidence that listening comprehension and language acquisition are closely related. Further, listening skill transfers to other skills, and promoting listening skills before focusing on oral skills results in increased second language acquisition.

السودان : ساعة حساب
سؤال وجواب عن الدولة الوليدة

أجندة مفتوحة : شئون سودانية
صورة للدولة الجديدة في حالة قيام الدولة الجديدة
!!!!  السودان : مشروع سنتينال لحماية  الحدود