Thursday, 5 January 2012

الموشحات الاندلسية | An-Najah Videos

الموشحات الاندلسية An-Najah Videos

Welcome to Arabic words in the news. يقول ابن خلدون :الملكة اللسانية الصحيحة تتكون بتكرار الاستماع الى اللغة الفصيحة وممارستها كلاماً وقراءة وكتابة Research has shown strong evidence that listening comprehension and language acquisition are closely related. Further, listening skill transfers to other skills, and promoting listening skills before focusing on oral skills results in increased second language acquisition.For Strategies for Developing Listening Skills

This is for advanced students learning about Arabic literatures. You are going to listen to a lesson about

Prelistening :
  • ماذا تعرف عن الموشحات الاندلسية؟
  • ما معنى خمارة ؟  الحانة
  • ما معني الساقي ؟  نديم
  • ما معنى الخمر
  • هل  قرات  عن الشعر العربي  ولمن
1-Write down five main ideas that you think will be mentioned in the text
2-Discuss your predictions with a partner  and write down at least two more ideas
3-Listen to the text. Place a ckeck mark beside the ideas that you and your partner predicted and that  in fact were mentioned in the video.
4- listen to the text quickly to resolve any discripancies in comprehension between you and your partner.
5-listen again and add any further points that you may not have understood.
6-listen again (third time) to verify comprehension. (after a class discussion of the text or a reading about the subject , ask  your teacher or a native speaker  for text transcript )

After Listening :
       Reflection and goal setting
I was successful in anticipation------------ideas
What surprised me :-----------
What i will do next time  ...

  New approach to Listening .Ref:Teaching and Learning Second Language Listening /Metacognition in Action. By Larry Vandergrift 2012. ISBN 9780415883726

For more Video :
Ref: An-Najah